

Examination / Check up

30 BGN


20 BGN


30-50 BGN

Vaccines(All vaccination prices include a
full health check)

Puppy vaccine (1st and 2nd)

50 BGN

Dog Annual Booster – Intervet, Merial, Pfizer

50 BGN

Cat Vaccine Pure Vax RCP

50 BGN

Cat Annual Booster Quadricat

50 BGN

Cat Vaccine Pure Vax RCPCHFeLV

80 BGN

Rabbit Vaccine Pestorin

40 BGN

Rabies Vaccine

40 BGN

Health book

20 BGN

European passport

30 BGN


60 BGN

Hospitalization and Intensive Care

Emergency care

80-150 BGN

Hospitalization until the end of the day

30-50 BGN

Intravenous catheter

25 BGN

Medical procedures

Deworming (price of the medicine not included)

10 BGN

Tick removal

20 BGN

Ear cleaning

30-40 BGN

Anal glands cleaning

25 BGN

Nail clipping

20 BGN

Inhalation with Pulmicort

15 BGN

Fine needle aspiration sample

50 BGN

Foreign body removal

30-50 BGN

Neutering(NOT included general anesthetic
and preoperative procedures)

Dog Castrate (Depending on weight)

100-160 BGN

Bitch Spay (Depending on weight)

150-220 BGN

Cat Castrate

100 BGN

Cat Spay

140 BGN

Rabbit Castrate

100 BGN

Rabbit Spay

140 BGN

Dental Scale and Polish(NOT included
general anesthetic and preoperative procedures)

Dog/cat (depending on the stage of tartar)

100-160 BGN

Milk tooth extraction

50-90 BGN

Permanent tooth extraction

90-140 BGN


Yorkshire terrier

60 BGN


60 BGN

Cocker Spaniel

60-70 BGN

Cat (Sedation not included)

70 BGN


30 BGN


30 BGN

Rapid Tests

Canine Giardia Ag

40 BGN

Canine CPV Ag

45 BGN

Canine CVP/CCV/Giardia Ag

50 BGN

CaniV 4

60 BGN

Feline FIV Ab/FeLV Ag

50 BGN

Feline 3D test

60 BGN


80 BGN